Chief's Desk

A Message from Bonita Springs Fire Chief Gregory L. DeWitt

As the City of Bonita Springs commemorates its 25th anniversary, we are proud to share another significant milestone here at the Bonita Springs Fire Control and Rescue District. As we reflect on the past year, 2023 presented both challenges and triumphs for our district. At the start of the year, the aftermath of Hurricane Ian lingered, impacting our operations. Despite the adversities, we strategically acquired the property housing Station 27, including the restaurant and marina. This acquisition ensures continuous fire and rescue services on Hickory Island and the surrounding areas, fortifying our marine response capabilities in Bonita Springs and neighboring districts.

Station 27 underwent renovations, restoring it to its original layout with thoughtful enhancements, such as a larger gym area and a fully climate-controlled storage room for bunker gear and supplies. With resilience and dedication, we successfully returned to the station on August 7th, just before the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Ian. The restaurant component of the property is currently listed for sale, and we eagerly await a suitable offer.

Despite supply chain challenges mentioned in last year's report, we successfully welcomed a new engine (E-26), and due to lead time constraints, we've ordered another engine (E-25) with a guaranteed price and deferred payment until its arrival in April 2025.

The dynamic growth in the State of Florida, with over 1,000 people relocating daily, has had its impact on Bonita Springs, influencing a 14.5% increase in property values. Due to this increase, we are pleased to announce that we were able to lower the millage rate while maintaining responsible fiscal management.

Our commitment to training and public education remains unwavering. While call volumes experienced a slight dip, the diversity of emergency calls persisted. As an all-hazards fire district, we stand ready to respond to any emergency, from vehicle accidents to assisting animals stuck in drains.

We express gratitude to the Fire Board of Commissioners, meeting diligently on the second Monday of every month. Their invaluable support during the Fourth of July celebrations garnered numerous compliments, reinforcing our strong community ties. Moving into 2024, the Bonita Springs Fire Control and RescueDistrict remains dedicated to being prudent stewards of taxpayer funds while delivering the highest standards of professional service. Thank you for your continued trust and support.

In Your Service,  Gregory L. DeWitt, Fire Chief

The Bonita Springs Fire Control and Rescue District Annual Reports

Contact the Executive Staff of the Bonita Springs Fire Control and Rescue District

Bonita Springs Fire Chief Gregory L. DeWitt
Serving Bonita Springs Since 1988

phone: 239-390-7959     cell: 239-470-9449
Bonita Springs Assistant Fire Chief Jason Brod
Serving Bonita Springs Since 2001

phone: 239-949-6225
Bonita Springs Deputy Chief of Fire & Special Ops
Andrew Schmidt
Serving Bonita Springs Since 2006

phone: 239-949-6203
Bonita Springs Deputy Chief of EMS
Kelli Wilson
Serving Bonita Springs Since 2017

phone: 239-949-6220
Bonita Springs Fire Marshal Eric Scholz
Serving Bonita Springs Since 2006

phone: 239-390-7940

Apr 21, 2020
A full list of Annual Reports.
Mar 05, 2014
Located in Southwest Florida along the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico, Bonita Springs makes up the southernmost edge of Lee County.  Each year, Bonita Springs attracts increasing numbers of tourists and year-round residents.
Mar 05, 2014
It is the mission of the Bonita Springs Fire Control and Rescue District to preserve life and property and promote public safety through strong leadership, management, professionalism, and integrity.

Page Last Updated: Apr 21, 2020 (11:35:00)
  • Bonita Springs Fire Control & Rescue District

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